Fikar School is the first school in Indonesia to use the coaching method in developing the talents and interests of its students. Based on our research, the coaching method is considered the most effective for exploring the potential of each student, and in the end it is that potential that will be developed into their future
Teaching is a noble activity, and teaching good behavior is the most honorable thing, where the teacher here must first model what is being taught, not only ordering students, but the teacher provides examples that can be learned easily by students.
Culture Habit is the content of character education at Fikar School which is oriented towards maximizing efforts to provide systematic good influence to students so that it emerges from the child’s awareness of having good character and becomes a habit so that it becomes a culture wherever the environment he is in. The culture habit program will make the school and family work together to shape the character of students for the better.
Children’s educational goals will only be achieved if there is good synergy between parents and the school, how the intensity of communication between parents and the school is not limited, not only at the moment of distributing report cards or certain events. But every day we always open the tap for communication with parents in order to achieve maximum children’s education.